
We did it!

Today's writer, Masaya Hasegawa.

We made final business plan this week, so we're so tired because making business plan & presentation is very hard for us, and so we have no time to sleep enough.
But, we finished our business plan! We're very happy!
We'll do our best presentaiton.

2 件のコメント:

takosak さんのコメント...


Good job. Looking at the photo of your business plan can only tell how hard you worked on the project. Comics Cafe sounds very interesting to me. Good luck with your final presentation.

Takashi Kosaka

Herbert Donovan さんのコメント...

Hi Masaya and B Group members,

Hey, your report looks really good. And how about your presentation? Did you win first prize? Please put up a photo of your group giving the presentation.

Did you get back to Japan yet? I hope you had a good flight. Please come see me and show me your photos when you get back.

Herbert Donovan