

Today's writer is Takumi Hasegawa.
In the morning, we had Vocabulary and Conversation Skills class by Andrew. We owed our success in pronunciation to this class. Today's class contained practicing pronunciation of "th" or "s".
In the afternoon, we had Presentation Skills by Kim. We leaned the summary and conculusion for a presentation.
After school, we had BBQ in the Kyle house. After we aten a lot of hamburger, we listened to Kyle singing a song. I was moved to his song.

1 件のコメント:

Herbert Donovan さんのコメント...

Hi Takumi and B group members,

I am glad you enjoyed the barbecue and Kyle's performance. And it seems like you are working hard on your projects, presentation skills, pronunciation, and so on. I hope you will be sure to make some photos and video of your presentation, and put them on this blog or show them to me when you return to Tokyo.

see you soon,

Herbert Donovan